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Each beginning of a new year prompts us to adopt new habits. We all feel that we have done a “hard reset” on January 1st, which will allow us to put our lives back in order. Currently, our wellness has moved up to the top of our priority list. Therefore, here in SARISTI, we always keep you updated about the healing properties of nature and herbs. We cannot think of a better advice, other than adding tea to your everyday routine. If you think that you will not have time to do so, scroll down below. You will find 5 amazing “excuses” for your teatime!

On breakfast

If you have been a coffee-lover for years, it might be hard for us to convince you to give it up. However, we must tell you that a SARISTI herbal blend can be the most appropriate alternative without caffeine. Try adding a cup of Vitality to your breakfast and it will give you all the energy boost you need, to get you through the day!

On your break at work

It might be just 10 minutes or an hour. In each case, you deserve this break, since this is the only that you can manage to cope with the rest of your working hours. We bet that you already have a SARISTI box at your desk, just in case. Enjoy a cup of tea and you’ll be able to manage the remaining tasks more efficiently.

On your (online) meeting with friends

A day would not be enough if you started counting all the Zoom meetings you have had with your friends during the quarantine days. On your next online meeting, make a deal that you all drink your favorite beverages. Don’t forget to recommend your personal favorite SARISTI blend or send one, as a gift to some of your friends!

After your yoga session

Mission: Relaxation. After an intense day, the only thing you need is to calm down your body and spirit. If you didn’t have the chance up until this very moment to enjoy a cup of your favorite tea, now is the time. After your yoga session, put some relaxing music on, turn the lights down and enjoy a cup of Love by SARISTI. You can thank us later!

Before sleep

There are days when you don’t even have 5 minutes to yourself. Don’t worry because you can make up for this time. Before you go to sleep, make yourself a cup of Relax by SARISTI, to help you calm down and sleep peacefully by getting rid of the daily stress.

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